class: center, middle, theBlackBackground # Glue (Hit P for the notes) ??? Glue is the working title of a photo project I've been shooting since 2015 --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground # I Need Your Help ??? And I need your help --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? I started it at The Swiss Perl Workshop I've always been fond of this photo, it's one of the first I took I've got in the region of 800 photos now I've still got a couple of years left to go, I think, but I've started thinking about the final form --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground ```perl6 @photos.pick( 50 ); ``` ??? The way we usually do this is to pick a selection of photos to form a long edit Then filter that down to a smaller selection --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? Another one from 2015 --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground ```perl6 Seq ``` ??? Then we figure out some sort of sequence, a starting point, a journey, and end point --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? Granada in 2015 also --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground ```perl6 Pair ``` ??? Often as part of a sequence we pair images Those which complement each other Or those which contrast with each other --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? For example this image from Orlando sort of fits with the next image --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] .image-100[] ??? Can anyone think why? Geometry. Lots of people, one person. Looking up, looking down --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? But I started to think about text, and how can I pair text with the images --- class: theBlackBackground
```perl my @ordered = @{ $required // [] } ? map { [ @$_{ @{ $required } } ] } @{ $chaos } : map { [ @$_{sort keys %$_} ] } @{ $chaos }; ``` .image-100[] ??? So I came up with this, pairing code snippets with the photos This is a piece of production code I wrote, we use this in one of our tools It transforms an array of hashes into an array of arrays where each array contains the values from the hash sorted by the original hash keys or the passed order of columns (hash slicing) It fits with the image - we have chaos at the bottom, order at the top --- class: middle, theBlackBackground ```perl6 my @court = ( [ 'FIN' ], [ 9 ,10 ], [ 8 ], [ 6 , 7 ], [ 5 ], [ 4 ], [ 2 , 3 ], [ 1 ], ); my $skip = @court.[1..*].pick.pick; my @play; for @court.reverse -> $hop { @play.push( $ *.subst( /^$skip$/,'🚫' ).list ) ); } say @play.reverse.join( "\n" ); ``` ??? What about this one? I wrote this yesterday. --- class: middle, theBlackBackground ```perl6 my @court = ( [ 'FIN' ],[ 9,10 ], ... ); my $skip = @court.[1..*].pick.pick; my @play; for @court.reverse -> $hop { ... } say @play.reverse.join( "\n" ); ``` .image-100[] ??? It's hopscotch! This may not be entirely idiomatic raku, so let me know if so --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? I guess it would be nice to address this question --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground # Acme::Glue ### ??? So I've uploaded this module to CPAN. I would like it very much if you could contribute a small snippet of code The code does not have to be perl5 or raku, it just has to be something you're quite fond of for whatever reason You can create a pull request and I'll add it to the module and it may end up in the final photo project --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? You don't need to worry about it pairing with any particular code as a lot of this is serendipitous - photos end up pairing with lots of other photos when you have enough of them If I get enough snippets of code then it will end up that lots of them will pair with lots of other photos And the code snippets will influence the final edit This DeLorean runs on Perl! --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? How do you solve the packing problem for camel shaped objects? --- class: middle, theBlackBackground ```perl $str = pack("B*", "0"x32); $bits = (1<<$shift); vec($str, $off, $width) = $bits; $res = unpack("b*",$str); $val = unpack("V", $str); write; ``` ??? Do you know why Larry added the hex and bit string formats to pack? --- class: middle, theBlackBackground ```perl $str = pack("B*", "0"x32); $bits = (1<<$shift); vec($str, $off, $width) = $bits; $res = unpack("b*",$str); $val = unpack("V", $str); write; ``` .image-100[] ??? They were added to pack for processing data from NASA's Magellan probe. Magellan was in an elliptical orbit, using the antenna for the radar mapping when close to Venus and for communicating data back to Earth for the rest of the orbit. There were two transmission units, but one of these failed, and then the other developed a fault whereby it would randomly flip the sense of all the bits. It was easy to automatically detect complete records with the correct sense, and complete records with all the bits flipped. However, this didn't recover the records where the sense flipped midway. A colleague of Larry's was able to pretty much eyeball where the records flipped, so they wrote an editor named kybble (a pun on the dog food Kibbles 'n Bits) to enable him to manually correct the records and recover the data. For this purpose pack gained the hex and bit string format specifiers. git shows that they were added to perl 3.0 in patch #44 (Jan 1991, commit 27e2fb84680b9cc1), but the patch description makes no mention of their addition, let alone the story behind them. --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground .image-100[] ??? As I said, there's a couple more years left of shooting in the project and possibly more, but I should start thinking about this now I'm not aware of any other photo project like this, so it would be unique. It would document some history. And I think it would be quite cool --- class: center, middle, theBlackBackground # Acme::Glue ??? Contribute! Thanks.